Solange’s entire essence is everything. She is the quintessential #carefreeblackgirl, and is unapologetic in doing so. Her quirks are the foundation for her beauty and we are here for it all. But, like anyone, it didn’t happen overnight. She went through quite a journey to get to where she is today and now she has the beauty of hindsight to reflect.
Recently, she took to Teen Vogue to pen an extremely thoughtful and inspirational letter to herself as a teenager.
She starts with a breathtaking passage on fear noting, “there will be fear. a lot of it. there will be triumph. a lot of it. there will be constellations you want to reach for but can’t put your finger on. you will trace them like the scars on your body you got from trouble and the times of your life. you will take the long way to get to these Orions. the long way will become a theme in your life, but a journey you learn to love.”
Can I get a mic drop?! But, the dopeness doesn’t end here. She even dived into the stages of life, which were as colorful and engaging as her A Seat at the Table music videos. From “the dance-is-life (aka “this leotard is my second skin”) phase” to the “the football-player’s-girlfriend-who-wears-braided-blond-highlights-and-swears-by-capri-pants phase,” Solange mapped out a yearbook of yore in the most relatable way.
Along with learning to fully embrace her “weird” in adulthood, Solange mused on falling in love with words/writing, succumbing to the grace of gratitude, learning to ask for help and truly appreciating her mom as a “mother.”
She raves about Ms. Tina, stating, “she is a wonder. you watch her drop off 3 kids at 3 different schools in the morning, pick them up in the afternoon, shuffle each of them to their designated activities, and bring them all back to the salon she owns until she closes up with the utmost grace, love, and kindness.”
In a line that speaks to us all, Solange began to conclude by writing, “it’s OK that you don’t know what the future holds."
This is a word! As we’re growing up, we put a lot of pressure onto what should happen by “x amount of years-old,” when really, the beauty of life is within the unknown. Solange admitted that there will be many trials and tribulations on this ragged road we call a journey, and ended with this gem: “but most importantly, there will be you.”
Check out this lovely letter in its entirety here. Take whatever nuggets you need and prosper, friends.