If you have to share your win, what better person to share it with than your twin? Twin brothers Malik and Miles George shared the title of valedictorian at their Woodbridge High School graduation ceremony in New Jersey on Thursday, June 21, ABC NY reports.
The co-valedictorians were born 11 minutes apart, and each has almost perfect SAT scores. They also both have A-plus grade averages. They love science research (they even bred mice for a genetics project!) and play doubles tennis as partners.
In a sweet instance of serendipity, their parents celebrated their 20th anniversary the day before the teens' commencement ceremony.
"Seeing them always doing their best to care for us has definitely made a good imprint on us," Malik said. "Whether it's academics, athletics, some form of art, whatever passion someone has, my best advice would be just to explore it and do your best, and the success will come."
"We worked hard," Miles said. "Every course, studying, paying attention, asking questions. That's one of the most important things, being an active student in our own education. Because that's what the teachers are there for, you know?"
The George twins were accepted to five colleges with scholarships, and both have chosen to attend MIT.