An Indianapolis conference is getting a taste of Wakanda.

Hasaan Rasheed, who played a palace guard in Black Panther, is scheduled to speak at the No Excuses: Stand Up Conference, reports Wish TV 8.

No Excuses is a conference tailored to bettering the lives of young boys and men. Robert Jackson formed the organization to give young men an outlet for their emotions.

"Young men are going to leave differently then they came in; we have a lot of young men in pain, and we know the root of pain: frustration and fear," said Jackson.

The conference is scheduled for May 12 at Lawrence Central High School in Indianapolis, Indiana.

There will be $6,000 in scholarships, laptops and bicycles given to event attendees. It costs $25 to attend, and assistance is available for the financially strapped.

More information about the event can be found on Jackson’s website.