The Sony/Screen Gems thriller, "The Perfect Guy," stars Michael Ealy as an all-too-perfect guy who initially wins over Sanaa Lathan, a woman recently separated from her previous partner, played by Morris Chestnut, who just isn’t ready to give her all that she wants from a mate. As Lathan’s character soon finds out, Ealy’s "perfect guy" turns out to be not quite what he initially presented himself as.
And then… well, the new trailer below gives you some idea of what comes next.
Rutina Wesley also features in the film, playing Sanaa’s happily single best friend.
The Sony/Screen Gems thriller is directed by David Rosenthal. The script was penned by Tyger Williams.
Tommy Oliver (a director in his own right – see the critically acclaimed drama, "1982") is producer.
James Lopez and Clint Culpepper are overseeing the project for Screen Gems.
A September 11, 2015 release date is set.
A tense first clip from the film has surfaced, which is embedded below:
And here’s the trailer if you haven’t seen it yet: