Surely you’ve heard about Rachel Dolezal, the Spokane NAACP president who has been essentially practicing blackface for over a decade.
This is yet another case of “White girl trying to be Black.” But this one is particularly disturbing. While serving as president of the Spokane Branch of the NAACP, Rachel Dolezal led everyone to not only believe that she was a Black woman, but that she was also a Black mother. And oh yeah, her two Black “sons” are actually her adopted brothers. While Ms. Dolezal claims to be a strong proponent of civil rights, her behavior actually suggests that she is not. This wasn’t about the advancement of colored people at all. This was about Ms. Dolezal doing everything she could to maintain her facade. All I see is modern day minstrel show, with Dolezal as the headliner. For other Black people to condone her behavior because “at least she was educated” is a crock of you know what. Does she not realize how offensive this is? Do you?
Essentially, what I gather is that for Ms. Dolezal to “pass” for black, all she felt she needed was a curly weave, a degree from an HBCU and a tan. Really?

Oh, and for those of you comparing the idea of being “#transracial” to transgender issues, STOP IT FAM. Because this is nowhere near that. Caitlyn Jenner didn’t pretend to be born a woman. She recognizes that she was born a male, and has publicly transitioned to a woman. So where’s the beef? Race and gender are not the same. This accusation is so absolutely heinous on so many different levels.
The fake Black children, the hiding of her parents, the fake Black father that she tried to pass off as her own and the fact that she is sitting not only on the board but as the president of the Spokane chapter of the NAACP, stanning for Black people, while in blackface? Sick. If Rachel really wanted to join the movement and fight for the advancement of Black people, she could have done so. As her natural (see what I did there) White self. But no, she chose to parody Black women. She chose to lie about her family, her ethnicity, her race and also allegedly about being the victim of racially motivated hate crimes. So no, there is not one bit of me who feels sympathy for her being outed as white. Kudos, to her parents for providing the receipts and of course KXLY4’s Jeff Humphrey, who provided the world with this:
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