The three-part supernatural dramatic web series Evolve the Series, written, produced and directed by Kia T. Barbee of Elmhurst Entertainment, LLC, has premiered its first episode tonight.
To recap on our preview back in March, Evolve centers on a sheltered teen girl who is struggling to accept and deal with the responsibility that comes with her hereditary supernatural powers, which include super strength, forcefield, enhanced senses, super agility,
telekinetic and telepathic powers.”
Here’s more about the series:
Evolve centers around a sheltered teenager (Donia Reyes) with
inherited super abilities. Throughout the series (Parts 1-3) Donia
struggles to maintain a balance between what she wants and what she’s destined
to become, which is consistently challenged by her nemesis and teen villain,
Troi Lawson.Part One is
told in five separate episodes. It can
also be referred to as Season 1.
The Story: Part One
When a sheltered teenage girl inherits
special abilities that she can’t control nor wants, she struggles to maintain a
balance between what she craves and what she’s destined to be. In Part One, we
see this through the eyes of a sheltered teen (Donia Reyes) who just wants to
have a regular life, but is burden with adhering to strict traditions of her
super powered family.Facebook:
Twitter: @EvolveSeries
The second episode will be released July 2nd. Watch the first episode below: