nullIn a time when we continuously call for more sci-fi films centered around the lives of black characters, this should be of interest.

The detes courtesy of our friends at Comic Book Movie Resources:

Artist Robert Love and writer David Walker, creators of the comic book series “Number 13″ published by Dark Horse Comics, have teamed up with commercial director Steve Petersen and producer David M. Uslan to create the official teaser for their newest project. This proof of concept clip, debuting exclusively on Comic Book Resources, was designed to show the look of Number 13 and give audiences a little taste of the young character’s personality.

So, in short, there’s a new comic book titled Number 13, from creators Robert Love and David Walker, which is being developed into a live-action project for the screen.

By the way, both Love and Walker are African American, as I’m sure some of you are wondering.

According to the comic’s Facebook page, Love and Walker have entered into a partnership with a production company to develop a live-action version of the comic. And, I’d assume to help raise financing, the team created this concept trailer, that they hope will lead to some kind of a production deal.

The 3-issue comic was apparently launced in December 2012.
Here’s how it’s described:
In the devastated wasteland of a collapsed society, one young boy searches for the answers surrounding his existence. Known only as Number 13, the boy has no memory of who he is or where he comes from. He also possesses unexplained powers that make him the most dangerous weapon in the world. To some, Number 13 is a friend and a protector, to others, he is a valuable tool that holds limitless power. Number 13 becomes caught in a conflict between good and evil, salvation and damnation, and in the process he will discover the truth about himself.
Dark Horse is the comic’s publisher.
You can follow the progress of Number 13 via the project’s Facebook page HERE.
Watch the concept trailer below: