In The Cut - Bounce TVLast night, Bounce TV ( launched a new original series titled "In The Cut" – a half-hour comedy created by Bentley Kyle Evans ("The Jamie Foxx Show," "Martin"), which will run as a special six-week summer series, airing on Tuesday nights at 9pm.

The show centers on a man, Jay Weaver, who owns several businesses in a strip mall in San Diego and spends most of his time working in his barbershop, Jay’s Chop Shop. Jay also co-owns a beauty salon a few doors away – Nadine’s Shop – named for his ex-wife who still runs it. One day, a young man named Kenny Clark shows up out of nowhere claiming to be Jay’s 31-year-old illegitimate son from a short-lived fling. Kenny sticks around and begins to take on a role in the family business as he and Jay start to bond. Jay’s long-time sidekick Clevon "Smitty" Smith also works at the barber shop and adds to the comedy – as well as the occasional drama – that comes into their lives.

"In The Cut" stars Dorien Wilson, Ken Lawson, Jackee Harry and John Marshall Jones, along with special guest stars Vanessa Bell Calloway, Golden Brooks and Chastity Dotson. 

The series is produced by Evans and partner Trenton Gumbs, both of whom produce the current Bounce TV hit original series "Family Time."  

The network has released the full pilot episode of "In the Cut" online this morning, and I’ve embedded it below: