Donney Rose thinks that dudes who post/share the infamous “Bitches Be Like” memes are idiots, and breaks down his reasons why in the humorous, yet poignant poem titled “Memes.” Performed at the 2015 Texas Grand Slam Poetry Festival (where Rose was a finalist) and filmed by Write About Now Poetry, he dismantles the misogynoir that is often shared by black men when referencing black women, that the perpetrators usually dismiss as a joke or some sort of factual revelation.
In the poem he writes:
…Did you pray for a boy?
did you weep when the doctor handed you
more than your misogyny could muster?
is it frustrating raising a young woman
while looking at every woman around you

as a less than sign?

Rose is a veteran of the Baton Rouge spoken word poetry community and has toured the nation as a slam competitor, featured performer and teaching artist.  For more info on him, visit his website or Facebook fan page