A few days ago I posted an entry detailing Nickelodeon's efforts to revitalize the network's ratings, banking heavily on the potential of one new show (titled How To Rock) and its star (Master P's 15-year old daughter Cymphonique Miller).
You read that post HERE if you missed it, so I don't have to rehash.
The new series is scheduled to debut in February 2012, and in anticipation of that, the network has been ramping up marketing efforts for it, including the release of several video clips from the upcoming show, which should excite fans, and a trailer, all embedded below.
As I said before, I'm not in Nickelodeon's target audience (nor the competing Disney channel), so I don't expect that I'll be watching this new series (although I'll probably check out an episode or two just so I can get a feel for Cymphonique's talent, and be able to talk about the series); but I'll certainly be watching the young Ms Miller's career from here-on, as she ages; she could very well be one of those up-and-comers we'll be talking about in a few years.
The series' trailer follows immediately below, and underneath you'll find 3 clips from the show (above is an official still photo of the entire cast):