So, let me guess. You accomplished everything you wanted to accomplish this year, and now you can just kick back next year and not worry about a thing?
You mean, there were a ton of things you didn’t finish that are dragging behind you like an old car tied to your ankles with metal chains?!
I think that feeling is pretty common. It often feels like we didn’t hardly get anything accomplished the previous year because there is usually so much piled on top of our plates. That’s why I think it’s important for us to celebrate ourselves. There were a million small but important tasks that we did manage to accomplish. Hey, sometimes just making it through the year is a very big deal.
Sure we could've always done more, done better and made different choices, but we really don’t have the luxury of hindsight so the best we can do is learn from our mistakes. I sometimes think that we are our own worst bully because we spend so much time beating ourselves up for the things we didn’t do, or feel we should have done. It’s not very healthy and at the end of the day, it doesn’t do us any good anyway.
Even the most successful people and companies don’t accomplish everything they plan to do. Be proud of the things you did manage to do. To get a jump on the new year, here a few helpful ideas to get the year started on the right foot.
1. Create Your Own 30-Day Get-It-Done List
Focus on things you can reasonably accomplish within a month. Reading a new book or making a memory photo album area couple of great examples.
2. Make A "Looking Forward To" List and Include Some Friends
The list can include checking out a new restaurant, seeing an upcoming movie, karaoke or even taking a cooking class. How many new Netflix or HBO shows do you plan on watching? Write down the ones you thought about. How many times do you get together with family? Keep it fun and light.
3. Use technology to keep these lists organized
Use device such as your phone, tablet, or computer and decide what you will keep track of. Making memories is one of the best parts of life, but often we forget most of the things we do or want to do, so write them down.
4. Pick a word or phrase that will become your mantra throughout the year.
Some examples of this are "be generous," "I will flourish," "joy" and "seeking simplicity." My personal word is "execute," because it reminds me to actually finish my projects.
Be good to yourself and others this year. Read a book, read to your kids and be a better version of yourself this year than year before.