
Writer/director/producer Cole Wiley's feature film project titled After The Storm gets a boost thanks to the attachment of one Mr Wendell Pierce, who confirmed his involvement in the film with S&A earlier today, stating that he's "always excited to work with young filmmakers as an actor. I understand how my involvement can help."

Indeed… indeed… I always love to hear about established actors helping the raise to awareness of works by filmmakers that may otherwise go wanting.

Wiley's After The Storm already has some *muscle* behind it, in the form of a 2011 Spike Lee Production Fund Award, and selections in the 2011 Urbanworld Screenplay Competition, and 2011 Harvardwood Screenplay Competition.

It's logline reads: "In a fateful journey of survival, a young boy must overcome the loss of his home and family to the destructive wrath of Hurricane Katrina."

Wiley, an NYU graduate recently completed, tells me that the project is currently being packaged, which should lead to eventual financing, with several other prominent black actors being approached to join the film's cast.

So, this is one project we'll put on our watch-list for 2012, and let's hope it gets the traction and money it needs to be realized in full.