The aftermath of #AltonSterling, #PhilandoCastile and #AlvaBraziel has left the black community in distress. Many have been left feeling fearful, helpless and defeated yet they’ve been able to channel these negative feelings into action. Songs have been written in solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter; many petitions have been started and thousands have taken to the streets in protest.
On Twitter, #WhitePrivilegeMeans, which was revived by @CESchulz, uncovered the chilling reality that Black people know as citizens living in the systemically racist nation that is the United States of America.
#WhitePrivilegeMeans I don’t have to talk to my son about complying w the police bc his life depends on it. #AltonSterling #PhilandoCastile
— Caroline (@CESchulz) July 7, 2016
First and foremost, the greatest privilege of whiteness is the reality of being treated like a non-factor when you’re a domestic terrorist.
#WhitePrivilegeMeans you can shoot up a church and still get fast food on the way to jail
— ㅤ (@srslycrazy) July 10, 2016
Killing 9 in South Carolina church, police don’t kill you with a drone. They politely escort you & buy you BK burger.— Stop Egypt Coup (@HarvardDr) July 9, 2016
The reality that whiteness = being treated more favorably by the law…
#WhitePrivilegeMeans You will get a weaker sentence for doing the same crime as a person of color.
— Dr. Craig Considine (@CraigCons) July 9, 2016
…and for your humanity to receive that same favor.
This Accurately explains #WhitePrivilegeMeans
— Brandon Ingram (@B_Ingram13i) July 10, 2016
The privilege to threaten the President of the United States of America and still be used a ‘credible’ source on a major news network.
#WhitePrivilegeMeans that you can make these kinds of threats towards the President and appear on CNN the next day.
— Jordan (@jordansdiamonds) July 10, 2016
To be shown in a positive light by the mainstream media .
#WhitePrivilegeMeans getting your selfies posted instead of your mugshot
— very angry canjeelo (@versacejabi) July 9, 2016
When a black man is murdered, the media shows us his mugshot. When whites kill, we’re shown their Instagram selfies.
— Jordan (@jordansdiamonds) July 6, 2016
#WhitePrivilegeMeans mass murdering and being “mentally ill” with family pics while blacks get mugshots for using a water cup for soda
— Father Forehead (@LilTartheBasedQ) July 9, 2016
Because white people have been controlling their own narrative and erasing that of others since the beginning of time.
#WhitePrivilegeMeans Writing in history books that you “discovered” and “invented” things you stole from people you murdered.
— Christopher Keelty (@keeltyc) July 9, 2016
Your history being a core class and mine being an elective.
— America’s Nightmares (@riverlinesss) July 10, 2016
But of course, white tears were shed.

#WhitePrivilegeMeans a dumb # on Twitter that actually does more harm than good. Keep dividing everyone by the color of their skin 👀
— Petro (@bethpetro17) July 10, 2016
#WhitePrivilegeMeans being held responsible for something that happened 150 yrs ago. I never owned any slaves & you never picked any cotton.
— MaydnUSA (@MaydnUSA) July 9, 2016
#WhitePrivilegeMeans having your accomplishments constantly undermined by people who feel you are where you are only because of your race.
— Cole McNeely (@ColeMcNeely) July 10, 2016

But the clapbacks were A-1.
This hashtag is littered with white folks twisting the concept to make it about convincing themselves they’re victims. #WhitePrivilegeMeans
— Sam White (@samwhiteout) July 9, 2016
#WhitePrivilegeMeans having a hashtag dedicated entirely to informing you on your privilege & being able to still ignore its existence.
— Da’Shaun L. Harrison (@_iAmRoyal) July 10, 2016
Honestly, how could they want to understand when white privilege means power?
#WhitePrivilegeMeans not being the original people of the land but when someone criticizes the country you can tell them to leave
— move mojito! (@MADBLACKTWINK) July 9, 2016
#WhitePrivilegeMeans explaining how you don’t benefit from a rigged system instead of empathizing with the disadvantaged.
— Solomon Georgio (@solomongeorgio) July 9, 2016
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