On September 30, 2016, Kacey Holt, a 23-year-old from northern California, was arrested in Napa Valley, California on suspicion of attempted murder and arson charges.

Prior to his arrest, Kacey’s mother, Patricia Holt, describes her son as an honor student athlete. “He was a Napa Valley College student with a promising future. He graduated from Moreau Catholic High School in 2011 with a 3.7 GPA. Kacey was accepted to four colleges to pursue his BA degree.  His college and promising future is now uncertain.”

According to his family, the day that he was arrested changed their lives forever. Kasey was arrested by Napa Police while leaving a friend's home.  According to the police, in 2015 Napa Valley Community suffered two fires on June 22 and June 28. Two days later, police served search warrants to Kacey Holt. After a 15 month investigation, Kasey was arrested and charged with one count of attempted murder, two counts of arson, burglary and possession of an explosive device. Bail was set at $5 million, though no one was killed or injured.

Mrs. Holt describes the events leading up to now as being unfair and disheartening. “Our son's bail hearing took four months. A hearing to reduce the $5 million bail ended in denial, thereby requiring us to post a $500,000 non-refundable fee. We were unable to pay that amount.”

The Holt family is reaching out to friends and the public for help. “As parents, we feel helpless. We have worked all of our lives to care and provide for our children, but when our son needs us the most, we can't help him.” They are hoping that with the public’s help they can continue to seek a fair trial for their son. They have started a YouCaring page to raise funds to attain a proper legal team in the fight for our son's freedom, life and fair trial in Napa County.