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Weight management has become more challenging, but it isn’t due to any single issue as pop-diet advocates would have you believe. Before the advent of high-definition gaming consoles and cable TV, individuals were more active. However, that is not the only changes to have occurred over the last half-century.

Prior to self-propelled lawn mowers, electric hedge trimmers, leaf blowers and the like, yard-work was hard-work and required a lot of energy. I even recall watching my mother washing clothes and linen on a scrub-board in the bathtub and then hanging them on a line to dry. Going outside to spend time with friends was a daily treat. While in grade school, we were given two recess periods a day to go out and run about. We were even allowed to walk home for a one-hour lunch.

I could go on, but I believe the point has been made. As a society, we simply do not burn as many calories as we once did.

In addition, sugary foods were a treat versus a major part of our daily cuisine, as it is today. Many neighborhoods had local grocery stores that sold fresh produce that was not genetically modified, chemically enhanced or overly processed. Most meals were cooked at home and not premade or obtained from drive-thru windows. Meats were purchased from a butcher versus the high sodium, MSG, frozen-food section.

We can't turn back the clock. However, we can address nutrient deficiencies that add to the challenge of weight management.

Most people who swear by low-carb diets were never told that their bodies need potassium to metabolize carbohydrates. The recommended daily allowance for potassium is 4700 mg per day. The majority of people do not obtain anywhere near this amount and are chronically deficient. Thyroid health is another critical component of weight management. Many of us do not obtain enough iodine to properly fuel our hungry thyroid. Zinc is required by your body to create adequate levels of testosterone. Testosterone builds muscle, burns calories and eats bad cholesterol.

Nutrient balance can play an integral role in weight management and combatting obesity. Yet it is often overlooked. Rarely, if ever, is an individual struggling with weight management asked, “Are you getting enough zinc? How about magnesium?” These and other nutrients fuel your metabolic processes. Nutrient balance alone is not a cure for obesity. It is, however, a very effective strategy that can greatly enhance your efforts to maintain a healthy weight.