The Marvel Cinematic Universe introduces a new heroine in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness with America Chavez, played by Xochitl Gomez. The multiverse hopper teams up with a Doctor Stephen Strange (or two) in the Sam Raimi film, as does the now-Sorcerer Supreme and always consistent Strange companion, Wong (Benedict Wong).
Both Gomez and Wong, as well as their co-star Elizabeth Olsen, spoke to Shadow and Act ahead of the film’s release to talk about the movie, the heated anticipation and coming across all the fan theories.
Gomez bursts onto the screen as the confident teen, who is super important to the MCU by being an LGBTQ+, Latinx character.
“That’s probably one of the many things that you know, America and I have in common…we’re both very confident,” she told us. “[It’s almost] like I couldn’t hide it…it’s right there [laughs]. But America in the MCU, she represents so much and just having her part of the MCU is just so huge. People are going to feel represented just by her being on screen. And of course, the [pride flag] pin. I mean, the fact that it’s on there the entire time is just amazing. I’m happy that it’s there.”
Another of Wong’s recent films, Nine Days (which he stars in opposite another MCU actor in Winston Duke) sees him in an advisory role to another person who is not too keen on taking advice.
The actor explained, “He [Wong] is always the voice of reason and I think that’s still the same with Doctor Strange and the relationship that they have, which was forged six years ago and it’s still going on…and he’s still not listening [laughs]. We do not tamper with the natural law, we defend it…and he’s still not listening. Do not cast a spell…he’s still not listening. So [with] all of these actions here lies all the consequences that are in this movie and that’s what we’re going to see [in] the fallout.”
Gomez and Wong also sounded off on the Marvel fan theories and rumors, which ran even more rampant over the past few months for this film in particular.
“I constantly get mentioned or tagged in a video that has like theories and stuff,” Gomez said. “And I really enjoy watching them actually, because I’d be like, ‘Oh, that does happen,’ or ‘They’re like way off,’ or ‘They’re like…super close.’ So I did really actually enjoy watching them and I found it funny, actually.”
“I mean, that’s the beauty of it as well as you’ve kind of got the fans that within all the forums and it’s there is there to discuss,” said Wong.
Gomez added, ‘And they can there’s so much to like go off of you know…comics, etc…and it’s just so interesting to see how they think, honestly.”
“With the campaign trail now, I mean, they’re the king of the teasers as well, You look at one frame and you can stop there and all of a sudden you found another clue,” Wong continued. “Easter is not over. That Easter egg hunt is still here in this movie. So do watch it.”
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is in theaters this Friday.
Watch the full interview below: