Xosha Roquemore has been cast as one of 4 leads in an upcoming new MTV series pilot titled Dumb Girls – an ensemble show that “revolves around a group of twentysomethings. It centers on Michelle, who is uber-competent at her job but foolish when it comes to guys. Supported by her stalwart friends Alex, Danny, who admits her likes her more than a friend, and Ian, she mounts a plan to get the guy she likes.

Xosha will play the first of Michelle’s “stalwart friends” – Alex.

This may be Xosha’s plumpest role to date; prior to this, she played one of Precious’ classmates in the award-winning Lee Daniels film of the same name. She’s also played bit parts in single episodes of a few TV shows like Law & Order: Criminal Intent and Nurse Jackie.

Production is scheduled to begin next month.

Here’s Xosha live:

Xosha Roquemore * Precious Red Carpet Premiere by RealTVfilms