There’s always going to be someone who insists on crossing the line. You know, that one person who seems to derive some sort of twisted pleasure from trying it. If you’ve fallen prey to this maniacal archetype whose skillful expertise renders them virtually uncheckable, struggle no more my friend. Here are 11 options for stopping a habitual line-stepper dead in their tracks:

1. Stay Ready
You are dealing with someone who lives for the thrill of testing boundaries. Never let your guard down.

2. Ignore them
They live for the gratification of getting a rise out of you. Simply don’t react. They’ll move on.

3. Listen for subtleties
The habitual line-stepper operates in sneaky, covert and calculated jabs. Stay alert. You never know when they’re going to sneak one in on you.

4. Don’t get amnesia
Scammers have things to do and targets to hit. Don’t let the down time between offenses convince you that they have changed their shady ways. They’ll eventually circle back to you. This is what they do.

5. Out-petty their petty
This option is NOT for beginners, but if you’re up for the challenge, you can always try and out-snark them jab-for-jab. Beat them at their own game.

6. Take a moment of silence
The extent of their ballyhoo is utterly exhausting. Although they wear themselves down with unscrupulous connivery, a well-placed moment of silence can be worth a thousand words. Is we finished or are we done?

7. Call it out
Why play games? Next time Petty Wap tries to come with bars, confront it outright.

8. Pop Off
Get them together one good time to let them know you’re not the one.

9. Be the bigger person
You’re not responsible for their actions, but you are accountable for your response. Take the high road. Let karma sort out the details.

10. Empathize
No one is perfect. Try to exercise some empathy. Who knows what might be driving their behavior?

11. Be out
Honestly, who has time for these games? If you’re dealing with someone who insists on perpetually crossing the line, it might be time to bid them adieu.
Have you encountered a habitual line-stepper? Let us know how you dealt with them — comment below!
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