March is Women’s History Month, and what is a better way to celebrate than to experience these epic clap backs in the name of girl power? Here are 29 times the Internet shut down sexism and misogynoir real quick:
1.When he set himself up for that one
2. When he had to learn the truth about dad’s late night excursions
3. When he revealed too much about his anatomy
4. When you can’t get away with hating black women
5. When men try to make everything about them
6. When men try to shame women for their natural cycle
7. When expectation goes both ways
8. When you realize boxers and bras are both underwear
9. When policing attire goes wrong
10. When a “pick me” gets dragged.
Clapback game 💯😂
— May May (@Mayyree_May) February 23, 2016
11. When you thought you were clever
12. When companies get in on the dragging action
— Tryna Find The Blow (@ShaquilleHoNeal) February 23, 2016
13. When he didn’t hear you the first time
14. When Keifer thinks he has another point
15. When you have to shut down the sexting from the start
16. When he’s been waiting all day for a nude
17. When he needs a dictionary
18. When you get dragged for your colorism too
19. When you should have known better
20. When white women try to crossover into misogynoir territory but forget to proofread