Last night my repeated position was a combo of deeply exaggerated sighs, guttural moans, and eye rolls. I, like many of my fellow Americans, attempted to listen to the wispy-haired 45 pelt out his first State of the Union address, whilst he simultaneously applauded and praised himself. It was hard y’all.

As I lay there, slumped off the sofa in pure disgust, I remembered that I know a God (*Insert soft organ music*) Who will ALWAYS (*insert sporadic shouts*) provide a ram in the bush! The ram that carried me through last night, was the marvelous depiction of black excellence that dripped, twirled and, sashayed across every social media outlet from here to WAKANDA (*Intensify the organ music and unleash the shouts*)!!!!

I believe it was October of last year when I saw the very first trailer for Black Panther. I sat there stunned and pulled up to the edge of my seat. My jaw and eyes were gaping open, and goose pimples crept across the surface of my skin when I saw “Coming February 2018”. Now, being the occasionally dramatic Leo woman that I am, I fake passed out, came back,  gasped, then yelled “NOOOoooo?!!!!” while clutching a throw pillow tightly to my chest.

Images of what the red carpet on premiere night would look like ran sprints across my imagination. I envisioned an abundance of melanin! Actors and actresses, crowned in gold and robed in royal tones. They’d flaunt their elegant blackness, without a note of arrogance, but with an overflow of pride reminding the world of our regal heritage, quiet opulence, and endless resiliency. In my opinion, they did that! They not only made the ancestors proud, they invited all of us to do the same.

After scrolling the inter-webs and exchanging banter with my friends and family, it became very clear to me that this would not only be a spectacular visual moment for the premiere. All of us are ready to come out wearing our African pride across our chest and strut through theaters nationwide on February 16th! If you are experiencing the momentary brain atrophy that comes post listening to anything 45 related, rest assured. The following tips will provide you with the proper Black Panther viewing and pre-gaming etiquette. This is more than a movie, It’s a full-on experience!

  • BUY IT, DON’T BOOTLEG IT: Don’t you DARE show up to the theaters on the 16th and think you are just going to roll up in there with ease. On presale day Lupita Nyong’o said she tried to purchase a ticket and they were sold out in 15 minutes flat. So, if you are too late for the 16th, get them for the 17th.  Sidebar: Dear Black People, WE ARE NOT BORROWING, BOOTLEGGING, or STEALING ANYTHING In relation to this film. BUY your ticket and BUY the album!
  • BREAK OUT YOUR COCOA BUTTER: I saw a hilarious video of a guy getting ready for this movie. He dipped his finger into the cocoa butter jar and oiled up those hand webs. You know the habitually ashy part of your hand between index finger and thumb? Wear all of your juices and berries! Might I suggest going for your homeopathic fragrances like patchouli and sage vs your store-bought perfumes? Whip out your belly beads and your head wraps. THIS IS YOUR MOMENT!! Don’t hold back.
  • “DRESS IN ALL BLACK (LIKE THE OMEN)”: Whether you dress in all black, wear your Kente prints, Spray on your Egyptian musk or port a crown, DRESS TO IMPRESS. Roll out your own red carpet and stun the onlookers. Have a photo shoot in front of the Black Panther signage and post it on social media. It’s the only way to do it folks. Drape yourself in an assortment of colors! Shoulders back, chin up! That’s right, let them stare!
  • SNACKS: I will preface this advice with in general, movie theaters do not appreciate the bringing of external snack items into their facilities. That being said, carry a larger bag with some hidden pockets and save your coins! We are supporting the film. I will leave the rest to your many years of parental preparation for this moment. I know your mom’s-n-em used to bring in the ziplocs full of popcorn from the house. Don’t front.
  • DON’T BE THAT GUY: We’ve waited a long time to cheer and holler out WAKANDA! Don’t be the guy/girl who’s telling everyone to quiet down. If that’s you either suck it up or go see it in 2-3 weeks. Along with that, don’t be the guy who has a rebuttal after each and every moment of the film. Nobody needs a narrator.
  • PREPARE TO BE DAZZLED: I follow almost all of the actors in this film along with many of those on the red carpet. All of their reviews were dazzling. Prepare to be astonished by all of the depictions of black magic and truly allow yourself to revel and bask in the excellence before you!
  • NO SPOILERS: I want EVERY color of every person to come out and watch this film on February 16th! I want Black Panther to get all of the coins on opening weekend. I want it to be an outstanding moment in the history of black cinema, even more than it already is. While I want this to happen, some will not be able to see it that day. Here is my rule. 1 week. You get 1-week post-release, to see the film. After that, you get what you get! Talking about the experience is a huge part of the experience, so use your 1 week wisely and go support this film!

Ryan Coogler and the entire cast have outdone themselves. Beyond creating a film, they have rebirthed a WAKANDA movement and I am all for every drop of it.

This movie is already a reminder that, matter what is going on in the world we remain unbreakable. We are the actual superheroes.  Through it all, we are still here standing tall in our brilliance and we forever will.

So, go and be great! Wear your pride on your chest and one more time because its only right…


-Devi Dev