It's been over a year since the Unite the Right white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.

The day was a violent one, with one woman losing her life. Tuesday, four people involved in violent acts during the rally have been arrested on federal charges, U.S. Attorney Thomas Cullen confirmed on Tuesday, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Cole Evan White, Benjamin Drake Daley, Michael Paul Miselis and Thomas Walter Gillen were arrested on federal conspiracy charges. The Huffington Post reports that all four of the men are members of the militant white supremacist group Rise Above Movement (RAM), and are all based in California. 

Daley and Gillen have spent time in jail previously for possession of illegal firearms.

None of the men were charged in connection to the murder of Heather Heyer, who was killed when white nationalist James Fields, Jr. drove a car into a crowd of counter-demonstrators. Fields faces federal hate crime and state murder charges. Daley, Gillen and Miselis were all caught on camera assaulting people at the rally, according to the Post; video of Miselis shows him punching a black man he has forced to the ground.

White, Daley, Gillen and Miselis join several of their fellow white supremacists who are facing civil lawsuits and criminal charges. 

The Unite the Right rally was the largest white supremacist rally in over a decade. Rally organizer Jason Kessler tried to set up a Unite the Right 2 event in Charlottesville, but his permit application was denied. It was held in D.C. instead, and was attended by no more than 30 supremacists, according to Vox.

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