
Well it looked like maybe he was joining the team, but after last night’s episode, I’m not so sure now.

In what was a cliffhanger episode last night, Mike Peterson, the character played by J. August Richards in the very first episode of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and whom we didn’t see again until last night’s episode, returned to provide “super-soldier” support for Agent Coulson.

Without totally spoiling it for those who haven’t seen last night’s episode yet, Peterson is called upon by Coulson, and he does get to put on his superhuman strength act when needed,even donning the S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform, but something happens at the end that leaves audiences guessing as to whether he’s alive or dead.

I say he survived, and we will see him return when the second half of the season picks up in early 2014. After all, we didn’t see a body, did we? For a cliffhanger, it did its job.

What do you think? Have we seen the end of Mike Peterson, or will he return for some more superhuman S.H.I.E.L.D. work? 

To be honest, while I’m probably the only writer on this blog who enjoys the series, I will say that what I think could really boost interest in it is if there were more Mike Peterson-like characters. By that I mean that audiences want to see superheroes with super personalities and super powers. At least I think that’s what many folks were hoping for in the series when it was first announced, especially since they kept talking about it in terms of The Avengers movie. I think there were a lot of people who wanted to see The Avengers in a TV series, not average Joes and Janes with martial arts skills and technical know-how, which don’t really help the series stand out. If you think about it, there aren’t any genuine superhero TV series on TV right now.

That’s just my $.02. 

But ratings have been strong so obviously a lot of people are tuning in. 

It was also nice to see Ruth Negga return during last night’s episode as well. And it looks like we’ll be seeing more of her give how last night’s mid-season finale ended.

If you missed last night’s episode, watch it in full below: