Adult Swim announced today the return of its hit animated adult comedy series "Mike Tyson Mysteries," which will premiere on Sunday, November 1st at 12:15 a.m. ET/PT. This original series from Warner Bros. Animation was a hit in its first season, with 2015 broadcasts of "Mike Tyson Mysteries" regularly claiming their Sunday timeslot versus all cable among key adults and men 18-24.
In season two of "Mike Tyson Mysteries," the Mike Tyson Mystery Team is back for another season of mystery solving. Mike Tyson, once the "baddest man on the planet," remains hell-bent on becoming the "goodest man on the planet"… one mystery at a time! with the help of the best mystery-solving team in the business. First there’s Yung Hee, Mike’s adopted Korean daughter and all-around buzzkill; Pigeon, a filthy disgusting man trapped in the body of a filthy disgusting bird; and Marquess, the ghost whose sole mission is to keep Mike on the path to redemption.
"Mike Tyson Mysteries" stars Mike Tyson, Norm Macdonald, Rachel Ramras and Jim Rash, and is produced by Warner Bros. Animation. Sam Register serves as executive producer with Hugh Davidson as producer.
I must admit that I haven’t watched a single episode of this series; I’ll ad it to my "still to watch" list.