Opinionated rapper Azealia Banks started Black History Month with a bang as she announced her endorsement of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.
Ok so, I think I'm ready to admit that I'm going to vote for Donald Trump.
— azealiabanks (@AZEALIABANKS) February 1, 2016
In a 16-tweet statement, Banks outlined her support for Trump, a noted racist and her idea of Trump defining the true essence of America.
I think Trump is the only one who truly has the balls to bust up big business. Hilary is too tied in with them and Bernie has no clout.
— azealiabanks (@AZEALIABANKS) February 1, 2016
To back her claims, Banks referred to other presidential candidates as “#THOTS”.
The other candidates are simply … "Them hoes over there" #thots
— azealiabanks (@AZEALIABANKS) February 1, 2016
Just because Hilary Clinton and Bernie sanders say nice things about minorities doesn't mean they actually mean them
— azealiabanks (@AZEALIABANKS) February 1, 2016
Politicians have been saying "nice" things about colored folks and we've still been getting fucked.
— azealiabanks (@AZEALIABANKS) February 1, 2016
After she laid out criticisms of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, the 212 and Chasing Time rapper also delved into theories of American “exceptionalism” and the horrors of capitalism.
I have no hope for America. It is what it is. Capitalist, consumerist, racist land of make believe. Its inherently evil and must feed …
— azealiabanks (@AZEALIABANKS) February 1, 2016
On others for it to survive. I didn't create it. I'm not proud of it . But I am here…. And it's all I know.
— azealiabanks (@AZEALIABANKS) February 1, 2016
I'm very pro-Africa and pro-africana but American exceptionalism and the American paradigm is super interesting to me.
— azealiabanks (@AZEALIABANKS) February 1, 2016
Banks, who was recently arrested outside of a New York nightclub for assaulting and biting a security guard, is known for her outspoken persona and habit of indiscriminately calling out other artists. Now, she can add “political pundit” to her Twitter bio, right in time for the Iowa Caucus.
I only trust this country to be what it is: full of shit. takes shit to know shit so we may as well, put a piece of shit in the White House
— azealiabanks (@AZEALIABANKS) February 1, 2016
In conclusion, I think Donald trump is evil like America is evil and in order for America to keep up with itself it needs him.
— azealiabanks (@AZEALIABANKS) February 1, 2016
And of course, she was met with swift opposition.
@AZEALIABANKS So, to sum up your rant, you like your lifestyle so much that the exploitation of your own people doesn't seem so bad. got it.
— Mitchell James (@TheVonwolfShow) February 1, 2016
when @AZEALIABANKS realizes that caping for these white men is counter productive to what she desires pic.twitter.com/VYCWhY3n7q
— Danielle Haim (@allahtemisia) February 1, 2016
Donald Trump would rather kill himself than give black people a penny. Don't sell yourself the dream of reparations https://t.co/XiG54V65sO
— #BWIGM (@JamzLdn) February 1, 2016
Then gained new supporters for her Trump advocacy.
@AZEALIABANKS most recent tweets about the election now have me in deep thought 🌚💭
— Kiara (@Smiley_SoSweet) February 1, 2016
@AZEALIABANKS is lowkey putting ppl on some real wisdom… But i guess no ones trynna hear it pic.twitter.com/Ewn6gIGKhD
— Clark Brent (@thefirstbrent) February 1, 2016
Let us know how that works out for you, Azealia.

Do you think Azealia made valid points?
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