Sammie Benson, better known by his stage name “Blac Youngsta,” recently revealed that his brother Tomanuel Benson, one of three younger siblings, was murdered and he wants justice.

According to RDCNews, civilians who witnessed the crime shared that a drive-by shooting occurred Friday morning in close proximity to a Valero B.P. gas station. The suspects fired multiple shots out of their vehicle, striking Tomanuel with one bullet. He was taken to a nearby hospital but was pronounced dead by the time he arrived.

On Saturday, the Memphis native took to Instagram stories to share the disheartening news that his younger brother unexpectedly passed away. The first story he posted addressing the matter expressed his love and devotion to making whoever did this pay for their actions.

“I Love U My Baby Brother Rest Up. I’m Gone Make The World Pay. I Swear To God. Nobody Safe. Standing Over Everybody. Everybody. #4LIFE,” the ‘Hip Hopper’ rapper wrote.

He then told the public that he doesn’t need their sympathy regarding this matter because he’s ready for whatever comes with seeking justice, on his own, as he alluded to in the first post.

“I’m Ready For Whatever Come With This S***. It’s Ok. Don’t Feel Sorry For Me. I’m Not Gone Feel Sorry For Nobody. Only God Knows,” he added.

He continued, “Gone Make Sure They Feel Me. I Promise.”

Although he knows his faith will see him through, the CMG artist ended his heart-wrenching PSA by sharing that his life will forever be changed.

“Life Will Never Be The Same. But God Got Me. I’m The Strongest Man N The World.”

Unfortunately, Tomanuel is not the first sibling Blac Youngsta has lost due to senseless gun violence. In 2016, he publicly shared his feelings in a VLAD interview about the loss of his other little brother Ronnie B, who is one his three younger brothers that wasn’t into the street and gang life. Three years later, his older brother HeavyChampTD who was killed in a Miami shootout.