When your heart is huge like mine, you might feel like it’s your life mission to heal the world of its many pathologies. You probably feel the weight of the world on your shoulders and feel responsible for fixing its issues. Have you ever stopped to think that it’s sometimes impossible for little ol’ you to change another person, let alone the world, alone? These words are for those practicing career activism, feeling doomed to forever fight a war that cannot be won.
I pray you hear them. The war is a personal war as we must conquer ourselves. Earth is a boot camp for us to learn, a playground for us to play and remember our gifts.
Here are a few words to help remedy the burdens many of us feel living in a world that can appear to be so cold and heartless. I encourage you to take them on as affirmations of joy. Make them your personal mantra for liberation from suffering:
I am compassionate without feeling the responsibility to fix others as I cannot fix or change anyone but me.
I am aware of my connection to the divine while also knowing pleasure and goodness are my birthright.
I am not bound to anything that does not serve my highest and best me. With that being said, I want for others what I want for myself. Pain and suffering are not one of those things.
I deserve joy and goodness, grace and ease.
We experience the world as a result of collective agreements and contracts. I petition for renegotiating these contracts. Let’s agree to something different. I am constantly changing my personal and family contracts.
I rebuke the belief that care, compassion and concern is equal to pain, suffering and martyrdom.
Life is good! We all deserve to experience goodness.
I love you.
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