Donald Trump’s story about a conversation during a helicopter ride has gotten even more confusing and more embarrassing for the former president. Trump’s story, meant to embarrass Vice President Kamala Harris, has instead blown up in his face.

Trump’s tall tale quickly fell apart

The controversy began during Trump’s unhinged Mar-a-Lago press conference when he was asked about Willie Brown, the first Black mayor of San Francisco who briefly dated Harris in the 1990s. Trump told a story of riding with Brown on a helicopter, during which he alleged that Brown told him “horrible things” about Harris. The ride was memorable, Trump said, because the vehicle almost crashed and had to make an emergency landing. The story quickly fell apart when Brown commented that he’d never been in a helicopter with Trump nor discussed Harris with him. Meanwhile, it was confirmed that Trump had taken a helicopter ride with former California Gov. Jerry Brown, who is white. However, Brown stated their ride didn’t have an emergency landing and didn’t include any conversation about Harris.

‘I guess we all look alike.’

A new wrinkle has developed as a third man, Nate Holden, has come forward as the person who experienced an emergency landing with Trump. The 95-year-old Black Los Angeles politician, who previously served on the LA City Council and in the California State Senate, confirmed to Politico that he shared a helicopter ride with Trump in 1990 that had to make an emergency landing. Trump’s apparent mix-up amused Holden.

“Willie is the short Black guy living in San Francisco. I’m a tall Black guy living in Los Angeles,” Holden told Politico. He laughed, “I guess we all look alike.”

Holden, who did not date Harris, also noted she was not discussed during the helicopter ride. Barbara Res, a former executive with Trump’s construction company who was also on the helicopter, confirmed to Politico that Holden was the man on the helicopter ride, which she’s previously written about in her book.

Trump doubles down, threatens lawsuit

Despite numerous people contradicting his story, Trump has doubled down and is now threatening to sue The New York Times over its coverage of the story. The paper reported that Trump called one of its reporters on Friday to complain about their coverage, claiming he had flight records to prove his story and said he was “probably going to sue” the news outlet. When asked to provide the records, the paper reported, “Mr. Trump responded mockingly, repeating the request in a sing-song voice” but hadn’t given them.

Overall, Trump’s story has painted him as a serial liar or as someone unable to remember basic details from his past or differentiate between various people with which he’s interacted. With Trump continuing to double down on his tall tale, the GOP presidential candidate ironically prolongs the story that continues to embarrass him.