Netflix has dropped the trailer for Sextuplets, the upcoming film which will see Marlon Wayans playing six different lead characters, all siblings. His former Marlon co-star, Bresha Webb, also stars in the film.
The film’s description: “Sextuplets tells the story of Alan (Wayans), a man embarking on a personal journey to meet his birth mother before the arrival of his first child. When Alan meets his brother, Russell, he discovers that he was born a sextuplet and decides to seek out his four other siblings (all played by Wayans). Together, the two brothers set out on a road trip to track down the rest of the family that they’ve never known, and Alan quickly realizes he may have gotten more than he bargained for.”
Michael Tiddes, who directed Wayans and Regina Hall in Netflix’s Naked, will also direct this film. The film is written by Wayans and his production partner Rick Alvarez along with Mike Glock.
The film premieres August 16. Watch the trailer below:
‘Sextuplets’: Marlon Wayans Will Play Six Lead Characters In Upcoming Netflix Comedy Film
Photo: Netflix