A Black teenager is pulled between two realities in Shoebox, an upcoming short film project by D’Angelo “D’Lo” Louis.

Louis, a filmmaker based in Los Angeles, wrote in his director’s statement on Indiegogo that his short film is “about life, circumstances, and survival–across the finish line.”

He added, “In creating Shoebox, my mission was to create a visceral regaling of just that.”

According to the logline, the film follows a boy named James who has grown up in abuse. His choice determines his next course of action in his life. To quote the logline:

“Overcome by abuse, a teenage Black boy is forced to choose between pulling the trigger or not in an effort to protect himself. In turn, we are split between two realities of fate–the dream or a dream deferred.”

Louis wrote in part, “Young men of color have been forced to carry the terror of abuse, not only from our environment but from the history of terror embedded in our DNA. Being born black and male is being born with the burden to survive rather than to live. Shoebox is not only a visual representation of this, but it is also a call out to think meaningfully before we speak and to think before or react.”

The cast is set to include actors such as Patrick Cage (Westworld and the upcoming season of Max’s Rap Sh!t), Chicago P.D.‘s LaRoyce Hawkins, AJ Hudson and Rebekah Fuerst.

At the time of posting the film is currently at 37 percent of its $25,000 flexible goal. You can donate at this Indiegogo link.