Here’s a new trailer for DreamWorks Animation’s "Home," a 3D computer-animated feature film set in the future, which is based on Adam Rex’s children’s book "The True Meaning of Smekday," and stars Rihanna (providing the voice for the starring character – an enterprising girl named Tip), Jennifer Lopez, Jim Parsons, and Steve Martin.
In addition to her starring voice role, Rihanna will also reportedly record a concept album featuring original songs from the film.
20th Century Fox and DreamWorks Animation have released a new trailer for the highly anticipated film, as well as a video of stars Rihanna and Jim Parsons interviewing each other in an exclusive cast chat – both videos embedded below.
Also, a release date has been sent for March 27, 2015.
The trailer is below, followed by the convo between Rihanna and Jim Parson: