Scandal may be over, but its propensity for leaving viewers shook lives on!
In an exclusive scene released on TV Line, D.C. fixer Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington) makes it known to the B613 operative Jake Ballard (Scott Foley) that she’s on the hunt to prove Cyrus Beene (Jeff Perry), who, (SPOILER ALERT) murdered David Rosen (Joshua Malina) in the season finale, also killed Frankie Vargas.
After a series of cryptic responses by Jake, Olivia begins to suspect she may have had something to do with Vargas’ assassination. Not surprising, considering viewers watched when Jake shot and killed fan-favorite character James Novak (Dan Bucatinsky), Cyrus’ husband.
Poised to keep it together but savage to get blood on her hands, Olivia leaves Jake with a calm but menacing warning: “I am going to get to the bottom of this, and I will bury you if I have to.”
Scandal: The Complete Sixth and Seventh Seasons box set is available on DVD on August 28.
Watch Olivia clash with Jake in the deleted scene below.