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Since 1980, Black populations have had below-average participation in the decennial census. As a community, we must join together to break that tradition.   

By law, the 2020 census information you provide to the U.S. Census Bureau is confidential and cannot be used against you. The goal of the survey is to make for certain everyone living in America is represented as part of our democracy, whether native-born, an immigrant or a refugee.

When you respond to the census, you help your community secure millions of dollars for programs like Medicaid, food stamps, Head Start, school lunch programs, Section 8 housing vouchers, programs for seniors and disabled veterans, and unemployment benefits. 

We must take action in 2020 to ensure our loved ones have access to the support they need to thrive.

For this reason, a group of more than 30 grassroots organizations, headquartered in California, have bonded together and are calling on residents to not only complete the census, but to also help spread the word about its life-changing benefits. Our anthem is My Black Counts — and we are on a mission.

My Black Counts is a new Hub of politically-conscious and community-forward organizers and activists working to celebrate the unique individuality of the Black experience in America.

This upcoming year will be one of the most critical election and census survey years, in decades. What happens as a result of the 2020 census will impact families for generations and beyond. There is a lot at stake for communities of color. It’s time to exercise our collective power — starting with taking 10 minutes of your free time to complete the census. 

Millions of dollars in public funding are at stake. More than $650 million in federal funding was lost in Los Angeles County alone, due to low participation during the 2010 survey.

Every person living in your home on April 1, 2020 — whether permanent or temporary — should be counted in next year’s survey. And that includes loved ones who may be staying in an extra bedroom or on the couch. Everyone living under your roof should be accounted for.

We understand and honor the unique diversity of the Black experience in America. At My Black Counts, we believe Black is not a monolith. Our approach celebrate the rainbow of Black folk in California, so that everyone who is a part of the movement for justice feels included in our growing community.

We want Black and Brown people to feel empowered about the census process, and to be equipped with the information they need to be able to look past harmful tactics designed to discourage Black and Brown people from participating. 

My Black Counts aims to count every Black resident living in our home state of California. We stand in solidarity with movements happening across the nation.


Follow My Black Counts on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for updates, or sign-up to get involved on our website: MyBlackCounts.org