For weeks I read statuses across my social media timeline that bashed the movie Girls Trip. The excuse of it being ratchet and distasteful solely based on the trailer was pure BS. These same people listen to trap music, watch LAHH religiously, and the entire Real Housewives franchise yet, spend their money on the same themed movies with the typical all-wyt cast and don't blink an eye to drop $20 in the theatre.  

Man, the contradiction is real.

I've yet to understand why every time there's a movie by a Black director with a Black cast telling a similar narrative from OUR perspective, the "community" finds something wrong with it and decides to boycott.

So glad the rest of us didn’t pay attention to that hogwash.

Girls Trip is perfectly cast and is in my opinion, by far, one of the classic comedies of the 21st Century.

We say it all the time: Black women are not monoliths. This means our acting abilities aren't restricted from comedy. We do it too and we do it well. I loved that I saw a piece of myself in each character. Each was relatable and real.

Outside of cackling uncontrollably at Tiffany Haddish in a mixed movie theatre with folks who had no idea what they were watching, the theme of sisterhood and authenticity rang loud and clear.

We all have a crew who’s been down with the get down since 1990 something (some of us '80 something). Together, we've experienced every aspect of life and despite the ebb and flow, the effort to remain connected stayed strong.

Soon, life takes over, sh*t happens and things fall apart.

Adulting takes precedence over friendship and we lose touch with the sistas we care about most. Although new people come into our lives, they can’t replace the bond with our girls.

The one who used to be the "life of the party," became the one who loved and lost. She traded in her freak'em dress for a Walmart skirt and frilly top, thrusting her energy into her children, who seem to be the most loyal people in her life.

The artist who seemed destined for greatness, now starving; robbing Peter to pay Paul and putting on airs because God forbid someone realized the "notoriety" she built was nothing but a facade. However, it's no different from the one who appeared to "have it all." The perfect life isn't always so perfect and it makes you question how many relationship gurus you follow and invest in who don't have sh*t. Transparency is a mutha and it's too many women out here sacrificing their happiness just to maintain a brand.

Authenticity is real.

Women of color always lose themselves trying to hold it together to look put together, when shit is all over the place. The bond between the women in your life, who know you, easily recognize when you've let yourself go.  

And it's beyond getting your groove back. It's getting your voice back.

We allowed people, places and things to muffle our voices. They speak loud over the emotions that quietly tap at our hearts. We're resentful of the bestie who chose the dude over us, only to watch him chose someone else over them. We fear of love because we've been broken, and rationalize why a pink bullet, detachable shower head and steamy erotica are great substitutes for physical connection. We even get so wrapped up in reliving our old lives that we go a bit overboard, even though our heart is in a sincere place.

Too bad for the ones who assumed this was another Soul Plane, because they missed a word, and this one was for them.

They missed the reminder to remove the mask because no one's life is perfect. The reminder that friendships are priceless and no woman is an island. Sisterhood is necessary.  

They missed the reminder to live in our truth because other women need to know they have permission to do the same.

We are influencers in our own right. A large social platform isn't necessary to be examples of living in our divine feminine. People will see it on the job, in the grocery store, even in a local cafe.

Authenticity isn't just for likes, it's a lifestyle. A theme I'm sure your favorite "guru" talks about all the time, but how authentic are they? How authentic are you?

Go see Girls Trip. Go see it for the laughs, but don't get too caught up that you miss the word, because it's there waiting for you to receive it. You and your sistagirls.