Yesterday, Kellyanne Conway kneeling on an Oval Office couch with her shoes on was not meant to be the highlight of that moment. President Trump was actually meeting with representatives of HBCUs to discuss how to build a positive alliance between the new Trump Administration and historically black colleges and universities.

But everyone isn’t here for this new found partnership. Yesterday afternoon, after word of the meeting surfaced, graffiti appeared on the campus grounds of Howard University in Washington D.C., reading, “Welcome to the Trump Plantation. Overseer Wayne A.I. Frederick”.

Photo: The NorthStar News & Analysis

Wayne A.I. Frederick is currently the president of the higher learning institution and has been since he was appointed by unanimous vote in 2014.

It was followed by findings of two other scrawlings on the campus that said, “HBCU initiative? Wayne coonin’ for Howard? Not on my watch!” and “Make Howard black again." Sheesh. The people you represent have spoken, Mr. Frederick. Make your next move your best move.