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“Life is like a disco: no matter how the music changes, just keep dancing.”
But, what are we supposed to do when the music stops?
We are accustomed to noise: city streets, our favorite albums and podcasts on the commute home from work, music playing while you wash dishes or even having the TV on while you cook dinner. This noise makes up the soundtrack to our lives; it is constant and soothing, to an extent. But it can also be distracting. It’s not always possible to go to a silent retreat, but just dedicating time to silence is a beautiful thing and will go a long way.
How do we know that silence is what we need right now? In some of the busiest and liveliest cities around the world, life is quiet. Times Square in New York is virtually a ghost town. In Venice, Italy, the water has cleared and local marine life openly swims in the canals. For a lack of better words, the world is kind of on a big time-out and there is no better way to just slow down and revel in the quiet.
Silence, in times of distress, anxiety or worry, can be exactly what the doctor ordered. Exactly what God has called for your life. In fact, spiritually, a lot of noise is not sustainable. The voice of God is often described as a still, small voice, and even our inner voice is often described as heard through silence. Truthfully speaking, silence is how we get clarity. There is so much noise these days that we have to be very intentional about how we go about being hushed. If we want to be spiritually well, we’ve got to get away from the noise sometimes. It can be as easy as washing the dishes in silence, taking a walk in silence or putting our phones on airplane mode
“Silence is golden.” This quote is as relevant as ever. During this time of uncertainty, we can still find joy and peace in the silence. By being by ourselves, we can get back to the basics. When we don’t have to perform or meet expectations, we’re able to get re-rooted in our humanity. We can rediscover what we love about our favorite hobbies. Reread a book or hear a song for the first time in ages. The solitude can be priceless. And while we may not like the circumstances that have brought us here, we would be wise to recalibrate and prepare ourselves what may come next.
But silence can also add to the sense of loneliness a lot of people are feeling right now. What can we do to find balance when the world is introducing terms like social distancing, which we’ve never had a use for until now? That can be simple too. Schedule a Facetime call with your close friends and family, the same way you’d schedule brunch or a game night in. Enjoy quality time with the loved ones in your home; this time is precious. Set aside time to talk to God. Like I said before, God’s voice is a still, small voice. There is no better way to hear that voice than to be still and quiet.
Be good to yourselves and to one another, six feet apart of course.