As we embark on life in the United States current climate of division and lack of compassion, it is imperative that everyone has an opportunity to find their area of effectiveness. People may feel great disdain towards what they see playing out right before their eyes, but are not quit sure what they can do. For those who have organically been able to plug into activism on some level, keep fighting the good fight of faith! For those who are still trying to figure out what they can do, make a difference where you are. We are all power packed with gifts, and our ability to tap into those gifts puts us on the road called purpose.

For far too long the pursuit of life has been trying to fit into these boxes, designed and created to stifle us from becoming all that we are created to be. To compact this tragedy, folks do not even realize the shear robotics of the steps they have traveled for so long. Greatness spawns out of our unwillingness to be like everyone else. Absolutely no one is created to be the same; so trying to fit into someone else’s mold is suicide while breathing. Our power lies within our ability to be our authentic selves.

My personal road traveled put me in hot pursuit of my authentic self. Making a difference has been and is even more important to me today. When I consider history and how remarkably gifted and resilient black people are, my soul is set ablaze to get young ladies and gentlemen to tap into their authentic self.  My form of activism is to get young people to reimagine their circumstances. Train them to use the all-consuming fire of their circumstances to be the fuel for their rocket to catapult them into their destiny. I was in my late 30’s when I learned this life-skill. Young lives are not reaching full potential, and it is not because they are incapable. Things that matter to adults often times lack to resonate with young people. It is quit hypocritical for adults to dismiss young people as if we always had it all together!

I know the power of investing into young lives, empowering them to live. I myself journeyed through numerous all consuming and life altering fires, teenage motherhood, abusive relationships as a teen, drug addict parents…I could go on. My point being, along the way adults who cared and look beyond my circumstances spoke to the queen in me. All of those circumstances have been fuel for my rocket. Purpose is a lifestyle, not a mere one-time occurrence resulting from a moment in time. While things look and feel crazy in this country, tap into your gift so even beyond the moment you will live on purpose with a purpose. Your gifts will allow you to make a positive difference where you are; henceforth making a positive difference in your community and even in the world. There is no box that can contain the gifts that are inside of us!