
Jesse L. Martin has joined the starring cast of the upcoming new NBC drama pilot for the thriller, The Secret Lives Of Husbands And Wives, which centers on a murder, and the secrets and lies within a tightly woven group of 3 suburban couples and their families, exposed in its aftermath.

As reported a week ago, Nicole Ari Parker is already attached to star as well, playing Paula Cooke, half of one of the 3 couples, described as a tough and strikingly beautiful trophy wife who, after twelve years of a troubled marriage, questions whether to stay with her husband because of love or respect… all while having no idea that he is financially ruined.

Martin will play said husband, Greg Cooke, described as a perpetual frat boy and a former hedge fund manager whose faltering finances force him into partnering with an unsavory business associate.

Also currently attached to star are Martin Henderson and Perrey Reeves.

Martin, as we already know, has a recurring role on NBC’s Smash.

Always glad to see him working… not holding my breath on that Marvin Gaye project though.