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Lori Harvey, the daughter of Marjorie and Steve Harvey, has been quite the topic of discussion lately. Within the last year, many people have been discussing Lori’s dating roster and her ability to nonchalantly move on to the next. A lot of people have negative opinions about Lori’s dating life. They think she’s too young to be dating the men she chooses to date, or that she is only courting A-list celebrities for clout.

You can say what you want about Lori, but she shows with her actions that she views herself as the prize. She moves on if necessary, and continues to date and explore her options. She isn’t bonded or stuck to any man. She plays the dating game a lot better than a lot of women her age, and even older. I know when I was in my early 20s, I was the type of girl that would end things with a guy and still be stuck on him for months — sometimes even years later! This would move me to be guarded, and I would give off energy to other men that I didn’t want to be approached or bothered.

I was raised very old fashion, with the teaching that a woman dating only one man was seen as worthy. A lot of young women will stay with and stress over men they know they should let go of. They will waste their precious youth on men who don’t view them as the prize and don't deserve their time or energy.

Lori Harvey is in control of her dating life. Many people may not agree with her dating habits, but she is showing young women they can date who they want to date and can do what they want to do. She is 23 and doing what a lot of women her age, and even older, should be doing — simply dating different men and seeing what they like or don’t like. 

I’ve noticed more women commenting negatively on Lori Harvey’s dating life than men. Women can be very hard on each other at times, and this is something I hope changes. We have to get to a place as a society where we stop the double standards. How do we expect more men to respect us women if we are upholding the double standards ourselves?

All women should be able to explore their options, similar to any man. Women deserve to have control over their own lives. Women should be able to freely date and get to know any number of men she wants.