nullNo that image is no a joke. Did you
know that NBC anchorman Lester Holt plays the bass and likes to jam with The
Roots?  Actually he’s a real pro and has been playing the
bass, both the stand up acoustic and
electric bass, since junior high school

But aside from
the little bit of trivia and perhaps more important is that NBC last week realized
that they had to do what they had to do and it’s been reported that Holt will stay
where he is and become the permanent anchor for NBC Nightly News.

As I
reported last month (HERE), Holt has, for years, been NBC News’ go to guy for
everything, but has been mainly relegated to the “second tier” position after
the formally sainted Brian Williams. Williams, however, increasingly was making
it clear that he would rather be a late night comedian than a news anchor.

After the
scandal last year when it was revealed that Williams had lied about events he claimed he experienced while covering major news events for the network, he
was removed and placed on a six month suspension and Holt was tapped to take
his place on the newscast.

Well that suspension
is nearly up and according to reports, after an internal  investigation, it looks like the Williams
scandal is much bigger than it first looked and NBC can’t allow Williams to return.

According to
CNN “Williams is unlikely to return to the anchor chair when his suspension is
up. Negotiations between NBC executives and Williams’ attorney are focused on
two potential paths: a new role for Williams, or an exit from the network”.

That means
that everything is free and clear for Holt to keep the anchor position permanently
and since ratings have been steady since Holt took over and the NBC Nightly News
still the most watched network newscast, NBC would be incredibly stupid to put
someone else in the position.

And it goes
without saying that NBC News execs knew that the news department would not be
taken seriously ever again if they bought back Williams  to his old job.

Also many
media observers say that Holt’s stellar reporting of the Amtrak derailment in
Philadelphia last month, far surpassing anything Williams would have done and
the solid ratings, sealed the deal for Holt staying put.