Mehcad Brooks is the first black Jimmy Olsen that we’ve ever seen on screen. Although race-bending is a problem for some, the character fits him like a glove.
If you aren’t watching Supergirl, you’re slipping. The Flash and Arrow‘s sister show in CW’s DC television universe is great. The network has done a very good job of working characters into roles that allow them to be support heroes.
And now, Jimmy will join the ranks as Guardian.
In the Golden Age comic book universe, Guardian is Jim Harper, a police officer-turned-vigilante at night. Guardian doesn’t posses any powers himself, but he does have a golden shield that is virtually indestructible and very strong. Other characters to don the role are Mal Duncan of the Teen Titans, and Jake Jordan, a former police officer with a checkered past. There are also story lines where Guardian is just a clone of Harper from something called Project Cadmus.
Nevertheless, Jimmy Olsen will somehow assume the role in season 2 of the show. We’ll have to wait and see for the particulars. All that really matters right now is that it’s happening and it’s lit.