It's equally difficult and frustrating to believe the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, started in April 2014, and there are still people without clean water at the time of this article's posting. Making matters worse, no one in power seemed to suffer any consequences for all the suffering.
Until now.
According to the New York Post, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Director Nick Lyon will stand trial on two counts of involuntary manslaughter for the deaths of Robert Skidmore and John Snyder in connection with Flint's contaminated water. Lyon could face up to 15 years in jail if convicted.
MLive reports this trial marks the first time criminal charge evidence against a city or state worker in connection with the water crisis has been brought before the courts.
The deaths are in connection with a Legionnaire’s disease outbreak during which Flint's improper water treatment infected 90 people and caused 12 deaths within Genesee County.
Lyon is also charged with misconduct in office.
Judge David Goggins of the 67th District said Lyon "willfully and neglectfully refused” to protect Skidmore and Snyder by deciding not to “act appropriately with regards to disseminating notices to the public.”
Special prosecutor Todd Flood claims Lyon refused to issue mandates to change the local water source. Prosecutors also accuse him of covering up the cause of the outbreaks by refusing scientists' access to the contaminated water.
Lyon's attorneys, however, say there's "zero proof that there was anything Director Lyon did or did not do."
“It’s a long way from over,” said Lyon, who denies any wrongdoing.
Now, check these out:
Michigan Governor Cancels His Flint Water Advisory Committee Meeting For the Fourth Time In A Row
This Black-Owned Construction Firm Will Replace 18,000+ Contaminated Water Pipes In Flint
Why Flint Is Just The Beginning Of Black America's Water Crisis