nullLarry Wilmore’s Comedy Central late-night series, "The Nightly Show," has been renewed for a second season. This means that the show has been picked up for January of 2016 through the end of the year, a Comedy Central spokesperson confirmed on Tuesday.

With Wilmore’s "Nightly Show" renewed, and Trevor Noah taking over "The Daily Show" on September 28, Comedy Central has its 2016 election team line-up set! I hope it’s a blast. 

Do I have to mention that both hosts are of African descent?

Wilmore jokingly thanked Donald Trump for helping the show get picked up during a Q&A with his audience last night. I’m sure Da Donald will often be a source for their nightly routines.

Despite slumping ratings, Comedy Central has defended Wilmore’s show saying it is "currently missing its ‘Daily Show’ lead-in" and that the network "fully supports Larry and ‘The Nightly Show.’"

That’s good to know! It’ll get its "Daily Show" lead-in back, starting on September 28.