
And you thought this was strictly an American TV thing…

Nigerian superstar, and one of Nollywood's highest paid actresses, Omotola Jalade Ekeinde has jumped on the celebrity Reality TV show badwagon with her own upcoming series, titled The Real Me.

On what to expect from the series, the actress says that it will reflect her real life, and will address misconceptions about her.

“It’s just about me. A lot of young people from Africa want to know how a celebrity and a female for that matter, and a married woman with children’s life is from day to day. A lot of people think maybe I don’t stay at home at all. All the busy questions you ask me in the interviews. So we are putting all of those in a visual format so then you can see for yourself and just have fun with it. It’s basically what I do every day, there is no scripting, none at all. These particular people, I told them that if I found out that they script some of the content, I will be very mad at them because you have cheated me… Everything is very raw…"

Filmed on location in Lagos, London, Ghana, Miami and Kingston (Jamaica), The Real Me will premiere in 3 days, December 6, starting in Nigeria, although, as the actress states, the plan is to expand its/her audience to other markets outside of Nigeria, and also outside of Africa.

"It won’t only be released in Nigeria, it will be the whole of Africa. It will also be in London, it’s gonna be on SKY and I know they are working with some stations in America as well."

So, it just might travel… although I won't be surprised if episodes show up on YouTube soon after its Nigeria debut.

To our Nigerian readers, your thoughts on this new reality TV series?

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