Directed by Dawn Porter ("Gideon’s Army," ‘Spies Of Mississippi"), the documentary film "Rise: The Promise of My Brother’s Keeper" explores the lives and families of boys and young men of color from 4 programs around the U.S. that are living the principles of the My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) initiative, and will simulcast on Discovery Channel and OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 21 at 7PM ET/PT.
The film also addresses President Obama’s challenge to cities and towns to encourage coherent cradle-to-college-and-career strategies for improving the life outcomes of all young people, regardless of who they are, where they come from, or the circumstances into which they were born.
In an interview with President Obama conducted on May 18 from Camden, New Jersey, he shared his own personal experiences as a young man, as well as his motivation for, and commitment to the My Brother’s Keeper initiative. He also discussed the goals of the initiative, which include ensuring all youth complete their post-secondary education and training and are employed once they’re out of school.
"As President Obama has made abundantly clear, now more than ever we need to change the narrative in this country around boys and young men of color," said John Hoffman, Executive Vice President of Documentaries and Specials for Discovery Channel. "Dawn Porter’s artful storytelling serves as a powerful testament to the vital importance that strong communities, involved families, and dedicated educators all play in ensuring that all of our children have an equal chance at success."
Other mentors and students featured in the film include Superintendent of Baltimore City Public Schools S. Dallas Dance, B.A.M. supervisor Anthony Bharataji Joplin, 2013 Urban Prep graduate David Peake, Halstead Academy principal Jennifer Mullenex, YouthBuild alumnus Johnny Herber, National Evangelical Coalition President Rev. Gabriel Salguero, Principal of Tarkington School of Excellence Vincent Iturralde, and parent mentor Joe Blanding, Jr., among others.
"Rise: The Promise of My Brother’s Keeper" is produced by Discovery Studios for Discovery Channel where John Hoffman is executive producer with Alexandra Moss as supervising producer. The film is directed and produced for Discovery Studios by Dawn Porter with James Barrat as producer. Mike Masland serves as executive producer.