James McDaniel in "Detroit 1-8-7"The father of the "Sleepy Hollow" characters Abbie and Jenny, played by Nicole Beharie and Lyndie Greenwood, will be reuniting with his daughters on the series, in the form of James McDaniel, who will play Ezra Mills when the Fox drama returns for the second half of its currently season next February.

Fans of the series may already know that Ezra has been estranged from his daughters since their childhood, when he abandoned them with their mother who had to be institutionalized soon thereafter. Now Ezra will return hoping to become a part of his daughters’ lives once again. I’m sure drama will ensue.

Earlier this week, FOX announced that "Sleepy Hollow," which has its fall finale on Thursday, Nov. 19, from 9 to 10pm ET/PT, and which has been under-performing in terms of ratings, will move to Friday nights at 8pm, when it returns after the holidays, with all-new episodes on Feb. 5. 

This will be the 3rd time the network has shifted the show’s air date and time. In its first season, it was a Monday night series, airing after "Gotham;" and this season, it was moved to Thursday nights, competing directly with "Shonda Rhimes Night" series on ABC ("Scandal" specifically). And now, starting in February of 2016, it’s heading to Friday nights at 8pm. 

Friday nights are often where TV shows are sent to die. So I think, with this move, it’s very likely that this will be the last season for "Sleepy Hollow" – unfortunately for the show’s creators, actors, and fans.