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Right now, we are in uncertain times due to COVID-19. Truthfully, no one likes uncertainty, but uncertainty is just a part of life that we have to accept. Obviously, a large number of industries have been seriously affected by the current global crisis. Therefore, when it comes to your career, it’s very important to carefully consider career development today.
A Specific Development Plan vs. Career Development In General
Career development is a holistic approach which includes career planning, 360 reviews, development activities, assessments and so forth. In order to help you clarify why career development can benefit you, I’d like to show you how to create a development plan.
For instance, if you are a singing teacher and because of COVID-19 you can’t run your normal classes anymore, now you can think of how to create an online program teaching singing on the Internet. In this way, your online program will be able to bring you passive income.
Therefore, the career development plan looks like this:
First, you need to conduct a self-assessment. What are your strengths and weaknesses? How can you double down on your strengths? How can you make sure your weaknesses won't affect your earning power?
The second step is career exploration. There are many different ways to present an online program: videos, audio files, PowerPoint presentations with your voice in the background, eBooks, interviews, forums, email support, telephone/Skype support, webinars and Facebook group support. Which option can emphasize what you are good at? Do you look good on camera? Or are you better at writing?
Next, when you have figured out the main method you will use, it’s time to set a goal which can effectively help you make your dreams come true!
Goal-Setting And Daily Rituals
Frankly, goal-setting alone will not help you achieve your goals. In my opinion, both goal-setting and daily rituals are equally paramount. Let me explain.
Let’s say you’ve set a goal: to create a wildly successful online program (10 videos teaching people how to sing) which will be launched before July 31, 2020. This goal is very good because it’s specific enough. Now what you need is daily rituals. (e.g. every day you do something that helps you achieve your goal – you should learn Internet marketing, how to build a membership website, etc.) That means every day you have to do something that moves the needle forward.
Allow Yourself To Feel Unsure
I’d like to give you the permission to feel unsure because this is a challenging period of time due to COVID-19. It’s absolutely normal to feel a bit anxious these days. There is nothing wrong with you if you are worried or overwhelmed. My suggestion is to do one thing at a time — that’s the best way to make yourself calm and grounded.
Sam Hill is a passionate leader with over 20 years of operational and HR experience. He is focused on helping others achieve their career aspirations. Follow him on Instagram at @career_change_guru.