On Tuesday night, crossover UK singer Sam Smith, took to Twitter to “shine some sort of light on” something that “deeply shocked” him: racism.

Reacting to mistreatment of a friend, Smith tweeted:
Just experienced my friend getting verbally abused racially in London. I am absolutely SPEECHLESS.
— Sam Smith (@samsmithworld) January 20, 2016
The rest of Smith’s commentary didn’t actually provide insight, but more of Smith’s dismay that racism might still be prevalent in London.
I never ever ever ever thought that would happen here. Absolutely speechless and hurt.
— Sam Smith (@samsmithworld) January 20, 2016
I feel like I have to say something. I’m just so upset. So UPSET
— Sam Smith (@samsmithworld) January 20, 2016
More shocked by Smith’s naivety than English racism, Twitter responded:
Sam Smith figured out racism was a thing today. In London. A city that has been shaped and built by institutionalized racism.
— Kyle Bella (@quixoticblazes) January 20, 2016
Headlines tomorrow; GAY ICON SAM SMITH FEELINGS TERRIBLY HURT (bc friend was racially abused; nothing happened to sam smith but he’s v sad)
— Alfredo (@al_fred02) January 20, 2016
Sam Smith witnessed his friend experience racism and now he wants to “shine light” on something about as known as cars having four wheels.
— PantheR (@____PantheR) January 20, 2016
Sam Smith ‘just discovered’ racism. Mind you, he also said that about the melody to ‘I Won’t Back Down’ to Tom Petty’s legal team..
— Anthony Davison (@AnthonyCDavison) January 20, 2016
Watch how gay media and blogs handle Sam Smith’s racism rant. Watch HIM receive sympathy. In the words of @deray, “watch whiteness work”
— Phillip Van De Kamp (@MajorPhilebrity) January 20, 2016
Sam Smith is probably aware of racism in the UK, he was probably just of the mindset that it would never happen to someone in his circle.
— #THE411TV (@sophiebadman) January 20, 2016
Because now I’m picturing Sam Smith curled in a fetal position with Strange Fruit playing on repeat.
— The Kitchenista (@MissAngelaDavis) January 20, 2016
The friend probably consoled a crying Sam Smith on the way home https://t.co/fqP0cRCW2S
— mic wave (@Flames_Baldwin) January 20, 2016
Sam Smith prolly at home watching “Mississippi Burning” like “Whaaaaaaaa?!” pic.twitter.com/HatXBT8teF
— Stereo Williams (@stereowilliams) January 20, 2016
Smith did not include details about the alleged victim, nor the abuse. However, he did shed light on the conflict’s resolution.
As luck would have it, Nina Simone’s voice was there to comfort him.
I just got home and Nina Simone is on the radio – fitting
— Sam Smith (@samsmithworld) January 20, 2016