In May, it was made public that Seth Gilliam ("The Wire") had been added to the cast of AMC’s "The Walking Dead," joining other "The Wire" alumni, Chad Coleman (who plays Tyreese) and Lawrence Gilliard Jr (who plays Bob)..
At the time, there was no word on what character Gilliam will play exactly, leaving us all to speculate on just what this mystery role might be.
Speculate no more because, over the weekend, during the series’ Comic-Con panel in San Diego, show creator Robert Kirkman revealed that Gilliam will play Father Gabriel in Season 5 of "The Walking Dead."
According to the "Walking Dead" Wiki, Father Gabriel is Gabriel Stokes who was pastor at a remote church, in a remote community, called Father Gabriel’s Church. It is the location where some of the story for next season will take place, as the crew makes their journey to Washington D.C. to find a cure for the disease, and put an end to zombies once and for all, as Kirkman also revealed at Comic-Con.
In the comics, when the undead epidemic swept the world, Father Gabriel claimed he took refuge in his church, and later revealed, when pressed by Rick of his true intentions, that he was a coward and turned away all living survivors who sought refuge within its walls, and listened from inside as they all were killed or turned into zombies. The Church ends up being the location of a short stay for Rick’s group. Gabriel leads the group there after meeting them on the road. The Church is also used as cover when during a confrontation between the survivors (Rick and his crew) and their hunters. The group eventually leaves the Church to continue their journey to Washington, D.C., once their hunters are killed.
Kirkman also shared that season 5 will revisit a few places fans may recognize, but emphasized that "new worlds" will be introduced too to expand the landscape – like Father Gabriel’s church for example.
"The Walking Dead" returns for its 5th season in October.
If you missed the intense first trailer for season 5, watch it below: