If you’re starting your own business, looking to turn your blog into a profitable entity or just trying to not feel so out-of-the-loop when it comes to technology, there are a number of free or affordable online courses that will bring you closer to your personal goals and dreams. Check out these 13 useful courses that will school you in everything from understanding SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to how to cater your writing to a digital audience. No matter if you’re a total beginner or someone with a bit of experience in the digital world, there’s a class for you.
1. Photoshop

This particular course is just $20 and includes more than 110 photoshop lessons for users with any version of the program. You also get lifetime access, making this a comprehensive class and a longtime reference manual.
2. Html/CSS
Learn the basic elements of HTML and CSS via a non-traditional method of converting digital design mockups to static web pages. If you’re looking for a basic understanding of some of the key skills for front-end development, this is the (totally free) course for you.
3. Google Analytics
Learn how to interpret the many reports in Google Analytics that will help you accelerate your business and monitor what your audience is reacting to in this free course.
4. Social Media Marketing

Social media is an essential tool in marketing. Learn about Facebook and Twitter, the benefits of each, and how to best distribute your content through the respective platforms in this helpful guide.
5. Business writing
You can access the materials for this University of California, Irvine course to teach you the essential tips and tricks to writing effective copy for business.
6. Digital Marketing
A free class from google that will give you the foundation to set your personal advertising goals and strategies. (This free email marketing class from MailChimp’s Allyson Van Houten is also worth checking out.)
7. Google Docs
Google Docs is a lifesaver for many who are working as a team or editing important documents on the go. Check out this free course for help uncovering tips that you might not know about — even if you’re already loyal to Google Docs.
8. Writing for the Web
Creating content that is easily consumed on the internet is essential to building your audience. Learn through this free class how writing for the web is different and how to optimize the content you’re creating.
9. Growth Hacking
For just $25 you can learn how to increase your growth and conversion rate, add leads and subscribers to a list, learn about your visitors, see what specific elements of your site is working and more to maximize your reach and audience.
10. Final Cut

Final Cut Pro X is a video editing tool that will help you for almost all of your video needs. But if the many options and capablilities in the app are overwhelming you, let this course be your guide.
11. Python
For a quick start to computer programming basics with using Python, this has you covered. Even if you only know simple math and have moderate experience with computers, you are totally capable of successfully completing this course.
12. SEO
For $30, receive lifetime access to a class that will teach you everything you need to know about what SEO is, how to use it to help you rank higher on Google, and how to be sure everything you put out is meeting a certain level of search engine optimization.
13. Grammar and Style
With clean, consistent and easily digestible copy, you will convey the exact message you want to when communicating with your audience and potential clients. Even if you didn’t get an A+ in English class growing up, this course can help you master the basics you need.