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For most of us, gratitude is an infrequent term that gets thrown around from mid-November to late-December, only to be shoved under the rug for another year until social media tells us to be thankful again.

But for me, gratitude is the norm. And the act of showing recognition and appreciation for the people and opportunities that gave meaning in my life was instilled at a young age by my mother. I didn’t express gratitude because I had to. I did it, simply because it felt really great.

Taking a step back and acknowledging why a good moment happens in life adds more value to that moment and makes you realize how big of a role others play in your own happiness — whether it’s an employee, co-worker, significant other, parent, mentor or that random stranger who showed you genuine kindness for no specific reason. These people all deserve our gratitude. And you deserve to experience all of the positivity gratitude can bring into your life. Check out our five gratitude tips for a big boost of good feels in your life.

1. Utilize social media

Tap into your social platforms to create a community of gratitude for you and your followers. Instagram stories are a great space to share weekly updates on what’s creating good in your life. Follow up with a call-to-action and encourage others to share what they’re grateful for, too.

2. Put it on your calendar

Just like you make time for meetings and appointments, make time for gratitude. Set aside as much time as you like every day to recognize what you’re thankful for. Even if you’re slammed at work, chances are you can set aside five minutes to tell someone thank you, appreciate a new opportunity or put that time toward self-discovery, and shift the gratitude toward yourself and your confidence.

3. Pay attention to what others are grateful for

Gratitude can present itself in so many ways. And sometimes the things we’re grateful for aren’t very obvious. So, pay attention to what other people are saying thanks for. It could be an author, a podcast, a breakthrough at work, a personal revelation, someone from their childhood, a teacher, a pet. There are so many things and people to be grateful for. So, if you’re coming up short with ideas, look at what other people are talking about to garner inspiration in your own life.

4. Feel how gratitude can shape your well-being

Studies have shown that expressing gratitude regularly can actually improve your mood and release feel-good hormones. Showing positive emotion and making others feel happy gives us a nice boost for ourselves, too. Even more reason to keep up your gratitude game.

5. Show your employees you care

According to an article published by Wharton Health Care Management Alumni Association, about 83% of people in a leadership position don’t prioritize recognition for their employees, which is directly connected to a lack of gratitude in the workplace. Recognition is historically connected to tenure, but this approach could be demotivating for someone who’s really doing their best and isn’t receiving any feedback on their work.

Take time to call out the wins you see among your employees and clients. Let them know their work is worth celebrating and contributes to the team through kudos during meetings, recognition during individual touch bases, a gift, a handwritten card or anything personal you think would resonate with the person who’s bringing their best.

If you’re looking for new ways to incorporate gratitude, keep up with me and @MomentumEducation to learn tools, practices and habits for working gratitude into your life regularly. And most importantly, get out there and put those grateful feels to use, for the benefit of yourself and others around you. It feels great to share the goodness.


Robinson Lynn is the Executive Director of Momentum Education.